Precision Worker
Industrial robotics have been an industry standard for a long time with both precise and rapid assembly options. Excelling at repeat tasks and able to operate indefinitely with minimal oversight, they have redefined many industries across the board.
Our line of precision synthetics can do all the old robots could do and more. With the ability to move rapidly to positions defined in microns, to learn from watching a human, even if the human works on scale models or via tools, and keep working so long as a power lead is provided, they can replace any industry robot, but where they really shine is their versatility.
Synthetic minds and A.I. allow our synthetics to suggest improvements to their tasks, to avoid issues during operation, to correct mistakes where possible, avoid accidents and even report issues in human-understandable formats with the ability to be interrogated for additional detail.
Our precision synthetics can also operate with a VR headset, allowing a human operator to see their high-detail microscopic view, and manipulate objects to scale. An additional advantage is their ability to understand instructions such as to avoid a component, at which point the synthetic will not touch that component, even if the human operator attempts to move into its space.
During the work day, our synthetics can assume a multitude of roles depending on what needs doing. If their line closes for any reason, they can rapidly pick up another task to assist a different line, even sharing a task with another synthetic that has had a slowdown on its line.
Once the day is over, our synthetics can help to close the workshop, cleaning floors, checking over components and will even keep watch for intruders during closure, alerting authorities and requesting they leave when sighted.